Operational Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We, like everyone else, have been impacted by the current situation and had to make major changes to our normal day-to-day operations at the roastery.
The biggest change is the forced closure of most of our fantastic café, restaurant and hotel customers, which has unavoidably led to us roasting on a reduced schedule. Following the Government advice, we have furloughed the majority of our team. However, we are still operational and are able to fulfil orders for the few left open. All booked meetings, training sessions and events during the pandemic are presumed cancelled. We have sent all our wholesale customers a handy manual of how to properly shut down and store their coffee making equipment.
Another significant change that we have had to make is the restriction to our open-door policy. We have always welcomed everyone curious to find out more about roasting and brewing and purchase coffee direct from the roastery. If you have visited us, you know we love nothing more than discussing the current line-up of beans, your home brewing set up and recipes to make the most out of the coffee, and everything else in life. Apologies to all of you lovely people whom we had to say ‘no’ to visiting. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Ordering through our website - now we have added a second roasting day, and we will roast and ship on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To ensure home deliveries are done on time, we depend on the local Post Office to take our parcels and process them before the last collection of the day. In order to ensure the safety of their team, they have now reduced their opening hours significantly and are working 10am-1pm on weekdays. So please make sure you allow us plenty of time when placing your order for us to process.
We'd like to assure you that we have taken all necessary precautions and steps as advised by the Government and the NHS when roasting, processing and dispatching your orders.
We are monitoring our phone line and emails, so you are more than welcome to get in touch.
Your continued support means the world to us!
Stay safe and healthy!
The Olfactory Team x