Milk based coffees at home? Here's how...
That mid week flat white that helps us get through to Friday! This morning I woke up craving delicious creamy flat white, and I thought I will try and make one with my Aeropress and cafetière. I don't have an espresso machine at home, but I wanted to try and get as close as possible to the milk texture! Here's how I did it:
Start by boiling the kettle. Measure out 200-240 ml of milk, or as much as you would like in your coffee, pour it in a pan and set on the lowest heat on the stove - it will take roughly 2-3 minutes to get it ti the right temperature.
Now let’s make the espresso.
For the espresso part of my flat white, I brewed an inverted Aeropress - a worthy substitute to the espresso machine extraction. You can use any brewing method at hand, just make sure you end up with a small amount of coffee per cup (40-60ml).
Rinse and place the filter in the cap and set it aside. Place the Aeropress on scales and weight out 21g of medium coarse coffee (like sea sand). Tare the scales and pour 55ml of the water from the kettle (just off boiling point) and stirr well, ensuring all grinds are immersed in the water. Let it brew for 50-60 seconds. Lastly put the filter cap, flip the Aeropress onto a mug and carefully plunge the coffee.
In that time check your milk on the stove - it should be between 65-70C. If you don’t have a food thermometer - just make sure it's not boiling, but hot.
Once the milk is ready pour it into your cafetière and pump the plunger up and down until your desired texture is achieved (roughly 20-30 seconds). Be careful, as otherwise it will spill everywhere. You will feel the texture getting thicker, and you will se the volume increasing.
Now take the top off the cafetière and swirl the milk a little to make that shiny and silky finish. If you see any big bubbles, you can give the cafetière a gentle tap on your kitchen counter to discard them. Now combine the milk with your espresso and enjoy! Here's mine:
I do need to brush up on my latte art pouring from the French Press, but not too bad! The texture and taste were great.
I would love to see your home made flat whites and lattes - tag @olfactorycoffee in your photos!
Lots of love,
Head Roaster at Olfactory Coffee Roasters